Adam M. Graaf is completing his MFA at the University of Massachusetts Boston where hecurrently teaches creative writing. He previously taught poetry at Bay State Correctional Center and tutored students enrolled in the Veterans Upward Bound program. Adam served nine years
in the Army Reserve, deploying once to Kuwait and Iraq in 2003/2004. He is an active member of Warrior Writers Boston where he co-facilitates writing workshops. Adam’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in War, Literature & the Arts, Breakwater Review, and CONSEQUENCE. In 2013, he received the New England Poetry Club’s The John Holmes
Mazzarella is an MFA candidate in poetry and an instructor for
Introduction to Creative
Writing at UMass Boston. In 2013 and 2014, she
received an Academy of American Poets Prize, a Mary Doyle Curran
Scholarship, and a Brian Rattigan Scholarship. She’s previously taught
at Baystate Correctional Center and the Osher Lifelong Learning
Institute and holds a BFA in Writing, Literature, and Publishing from
Emerson College. Her poems have appeared in Freshwater and Common Ground