Somerville Community Access TV Show "Poet to Poet/Writer To Writer" (Tuesdays Channel 3 5 PM ) Host: Doug Holder. Many of these shows are archived at the Lamont Library Poetry Room at Harvard University, for scholars and the general public to view. We explore the creative process and the work of local poets and writers. Each guest will get a video of the show upon request. Contact: Directions:
(Click on label)
Thursday, September 11, 2003
On Oct 14 my guests will be Lynne Sticklor, Jack Powers and Deborah Priestly. We will talk about the Stone Soup Poetry Anthology that was recently released. Stone Soup Poets, Inc...has been a venue for poetry and publishing in the Boston area for over thirty years. It is currently housed at the Out of the Blue Art gallery in Cambridge. Jack Powers is the founder of this Boston institution.