Interviewer vs. Interviewer

Interviewer vs. Interviewer
( Click on picture to view) Elizabeth Lund--Host of Poetic Lines interviews Host of Poet to Poet-- Doug Holder

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sept 9, 2008: Shirley Gerald Ware

9/9/08 5PM: Shirley Gerald Ware, is the author of three published books. She states:

" All three of my books �Just Kids,� �Somebody Too� and �The Final Goodbye� are available online at, from the publishers or you can order an autographed copy from the author. Besides, publishing books, Shirley is the publisher of Fresh! Literary Magazine, an online and quarterly publication of local and worldwide adults and teens writers of short stories, poetry and articles. Fresh! Literary Magazine was founded ten years ago and has since demonstrated tremendous growth worldwide. We�re nonprofit and therefore welcome donations of any amount. The author and publisher is accredited for writing numberless short stories, articles, book reviews and poems, many has won awards and honorable mentions."

Radio talk show host Maxine Thompson, "On the Same Page" interviewed her. Her current interview included her Editor, James Patrick Smith with Smoki Bacon and Dick Concannon, and THE LITERATI SCENE. The show will be aired September 26, at 7:30pm and repeat September 27, at 10:30am. The interview will run on 18 different channels at different times in New England.

One of her poems title �My Mother�s Eyes,� has been accepted for publication in �Mom Writers Literary Magazine� in March. She has a bachelor�s degree in English Writing from Northeastern University. I am currently writing my fourth children book. Submissions are welcome or visit us online and enjoy a good read.We encourge our readers to send feedback, if you read something you like, we would love to hear about it.